Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

Beluga Hospitality is proud to have partnered with U-Turn to equip people with skills and work opportunities to overcome homelessness. The programme is designed by occupational therapists and is Christian faith-based, with long-term results for rehabilitation and reintegration. Six months after graduating from the programme, more than 80% of participants remain employed and sober.

Read more about Beluga Hospitality's involvement with U-turn to help unemployed youth reach their potential.

U-turn is a registered Christian NGO with headquarters in Cape Town (registered with the UK Stewardship 234714 and in the US with the American Fund for Charities) with a BBBEE level 1.

Over the past 21 years, they have crafted an innovative skills based programme designed by occupational therapists, that is Christian faith based including Bible Study, Biblical counselling and Fellowship, with long term results for rehabilitation and reintegration.

The phased programme starts with basic needs relief, like food and clothing, available at our First Phase Service Centre. It continues on to Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Support, and finally culminates in a work-based learnership that lasts on average 19 months, called the “Life Change” programme, which nurtures an individual’s personal and vocational skills, as well as relapse prevention.

The Life Change programme is the heart of U-turn’s skills development model and offers work-placement at one of our Charity shops, our laundry or at our First Phase Service Centre. The shops are managed from the top down by formerly homeless individuals, providing on-th-job learning of merchandising, stock taking, customer service and other skills. Participants also access weekly occupational therapy, relapse prevention and formal training in English, literacy, IT, as well as accredited business management for selected participants.

Participants graduate into the open labour market. The U-turn results are positive and long-term. Take a look at their Annual Report.

Visit U-Turn's website for more info:

How you can get involved through U-Turn
Make a Donation

Financial support enables us to work with more individuals. Thank you for helping us help others.​

Buy Vouchers

Giving Street people U-turn vouchers instead of cash, helps us establish contact individuals and is the start of our rehabilitation journey.​​

Support Us

You can help and support the homeless through U-Turn in at least 5 ways. This will make a difference and change lives.​

Project Volunteering

We cherish professional input to help us grow U-turn. See volunteering opportunities available or email us with your suggestions.​

U-Turn's Pathway to Employment

Our community donates clothing and purchases U-Turn Vouchers to give responsibly to the homeless. They also provide essential financial sponsorship to our learners.

The public that live too far from our service centre in Claremont (ie beyond Rosebank and Wynberg) can donate their vouchers instead. Our service centre distributes the vouchers on their behalf.

Street people redeem earned and donated vouchers at our service centre for clothing or food (Mon-Fri). They can also access group therapy, Bible study and motivational interviewing to spark volition for change.

Thanks to this contact, U-Turn staff can encourage street people to start a journey of change through rehab. We cover costs for shelter, transport, weekly occupational therapy, and activities when not in rehab.

After Rehab, our Life Change Programme offers a work opportunity at our charity shops, laundry or even the service centre, along with skills development and relapse prevention. It lasts on average 19 months.

Individuals graduate by securing an independent job.  6 months after graduating, over 80% of our graduates remain employed and sober. Please contact U-turn if you are interested in hiring a U-turn graduate

U-Turn Success Story: Max

Beluga Hospitality